Institute of Interconnected Realities


Forest Stages



Forest Stages is a performance, an exchange and a dance with a forest, where the theme of roots is explored from a botanical as well as a poetic perspective.

What do roots show us about the connection between our past, present and future?

What happens when we root together?

These are some of the questions that we are exploring in this new piece which will premiere on 4 May in a forest in Vindebæk near Hårbølle, on Møn.

In Forest Stages, the audience is taken on a poetic journey that engages the senses and awakens our imagination. The performance is intended as a gathering, an encounter with a piece of land and the life that exists there. It all starts with a walk where the audience is led through the landscape before being introduced to the forest and a world of movement, enticing sounds and multi-voiced narratives. Like the roots of the forest, these elements seem to twist around each other in complex patterns and coincidences. The result is an almost incomprehensible whole, where art and nature merge into an intimate and sometimes surprising experience.

In the forest, the imagination wanders freely, conjuring up scenes from past or future lives. Worlds emerge between the trees, sometimes real, sometimes fictional, sometimes close and audible, other times a distant whisper. What manifests is a reflection of our inner and outer universes, characters and stories from the field that makes up our collective subconscious. This little forest lends itself as host to these ghostly figures, to the old, the shadowed, the half-formed and the unknown.

After the performance, the audience is led back to the starting point, where they are offered a light meal (included in the ticket price), while the impressions from the forest are allowed to sink in.


May 4th 16:00h - May 5th 10:00h

June 29th 16:00h - June 30th 14:00h

August 24th 16:00h - August 25th 14:00h

Duration: 1h 45min. + gathering time with light meal (optional, included in the ticket)

Meeting point: Slotshavevej 22, 4792 Askeby. From there we will walk to a nearby forest. Parking space available

No wheelchair accessibility. For other physical challenges please check with us



Concept and staging: Jonathan Bonnici, Ida Elisabeth Larsen, Marie-Louise Stentebjerg

Performers: Jonathan Bonnici, Kitt Johnson, Ida-Elisabeth Larsen, Marie-Louise Stentebjerg, Paolo de Venecia Gile

Sound design: SANTI RZR

Costumes: Maria Folkmann Ipsen

Set elements and dramaturgical consultant: Balz Isler

Graphic design: Sam Moore

Title font: Mariel Nils/Velvetyne

Video: Thomas Hyttel

Producer: Carlos Calvo

Co-produced by: Pavillon K

Thanks to: Andelsforeningen Slotshavevej 22, Aaben Dans, Mariel Nils

Supported by: Kunstfonden, William Demant Fonden, Dansk Skuespillerforbund

Institute of Interconnected Realities (I—IR) - A Choreo­graphic Curation - A Performance Group - A Knowledge Producing Platform -